The True Vine and The Branches

June 5, 2024

Tonight, we continue on in part 2 of our topic “The True Vine and The Branches.” Our anchor text still is John 15:1-17.

Recap from last week’s study: Christians are to remain in Jesus like the branches are attached to the Vine. God gives us all that we need to sustain us in this life and for all eternity. Jesus is the Vine and we are the
branches, and the father is the Vinedresser/Gardener who cuts back the branches that do not produce any fruit; and the branch that produce fruit, He prunes so it can produce much fruit. John 15:1-4.

Whether known as the bread of life, the light of the world or the Vine; God is truly the source of life and therefore, everything flows from him. We are effectively lifeless without God. We, as the branches have to fully understand this concept and remain connected to the Vine. When we are disconnected from the Vine or the source, we are more susceptible to succumb to what is outside.

Please join us again this evening as Pastor Yewande Efodili continues to part 2 of The True Vine and The Branches; enlightening us more on the relationship between them.

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