9:00 A.M.
4:30 P.M.
We are pleased to present our 2023 ADVANCE Evangelism Training Conference coming up on Saturday, August 26th, from 9 am – 4:30 pm. ADVANCE 2023 is an evangelistic training conference put together by AHOW Outreach Ministry to help train, equip, and empower believers who desire to be the Salt and Light to the world by obeying the Great Commission.
For us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, we must learn how to effectively share our story and hence the gospel message in our contemporary world. Our speaker and trainer for the Conference is Dr. Daniel Bernard. Dr. Daniel is the author of many books including Praying Up a Storm, God’s Soul Desire, City Impact. He just completed a book co-authored by himself and his wife, Kathy, on marriage, Me Tarzan, You Jane, Evergreen Press.
He also was a contributor to 101 Ways to Reach Your Community and 101 Ways to Reach the Needy by Steve Sjogren. Daniel has been a guest on the 700 Club and Christian Television Network and has been featured in Outreach Magazine and Inspire Magazine.
Please register NOW for the Advance EConference. Registration required for planning purposes.
Register Here